Sunday, July 27, 2008

so EXCITED with them!!

fuh....firstly i wan 2 thanks my fren who name me as a "wakil cos" argggh wakil la sangat wakakaka...but im glad im the chosen one hak3..inilah peluang seumur hidup aku untuk berjumpa dgn MAT SALLEH walaupun aku ade je kezen mat salleh tapi dorang dah mix so aku x minat sangat nak layan hahaha akulah kezen yg jahat..
aku tibe2 dapat msg pasal ENGLISG CAMP aku mati2 x nak pg dah la keje banyak ni nak suh aku g kem wooooooo briged siswa pun aku mals nak pg ni nak g kem lain mampus aku hahaha aku ni x de la active sgt kan...
ok la aku pun trime dgn rela hati wakakaka wah pg sane fulamak besh gle!!
aku jumpa 10 omputih disana fuh terbelit2 lidah aku speaking ngan dorang walaupun x berapa lancar tp aku memberanikan diri hak3...dah la senior2 pun gle2 aku pun ape lg fuh mencelah je walaupun grammar aku agak berterabur hahaha...
well its the besh moment wawawa...


fan_d1824 said...

u had been chosen to represent our U?hehehe..r u sure?wokeh..u were great..dat wat i could say..hmm..owh..u r de mat saleh kezen?mixed wit whom?r u mixed 2?
hmm..wat is so xctd seeing de mat saleh?r u impressed wit dem?talking 2 dem was the besh moment 2 u?hehehe..anyway..dat was great..i salute u bcoz dare 2 confront the mat saleh..wokeh..wa cau..

amoi_dulli said...

mirah..thanx 2 me 4 saying ur name out loud o...
basically it was d sweetest experience we had 8 d beginning of d sem...
hardly believed dat we were ther spending tym wif them..
i love d food so much!
d chox cake...YUMMY....

n x 4geting dat crazy incident, shhh...cant say out loud!